Welcome. I’m so glad you’ve found Don’t Be Poor! This website was created to help everyday folks like you learn how to create an income from the Internet.
If you’re like me, your dream is to work from home, have time freedom, create a lot of wealth, and use it to make the world a better place for everyone.
If so, then welcome to the Tribe. We are making a difference. And, it’s fun!
So jump right in. There are a ton of different strategies and videos available to make it possible for you to find a system that will work for you.
As the creator and owner of this site, I am passionate about the opportunity to create income from Internet Marketing. I have done it, thousands of others have done, and I put this site together to help other people achieve their dreams, as well.
I love watching and re-watching these videos. I wanted a place to gather all of the best and most informative videos in one place, and that is why I created this site.
My goal is to motivate, educate and inspire my fellow internet entrepreneurs.
I hope you enjoy it, too!
Greg Purnell and the DontBePoor.com Team